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HackerRankの問題とコメント(python3) 拙いですが...


Find the Runner-Up Score!  リスト 削除

・問題 Given the participants' score sheet for your University Sports Day, you are required to find the runner-up score. You are given scores. Store them in a list and find the score of the runner-up. Input Format The first line contains .…

List Comprehensions for文 if文

・問題 Let's learn about list comprehensions! You are given three integers and representing the dimensions of a cuboid along with an integer . You have to print a list of all possible coordinates given by on a 3D grid where the sum of is n…

Polar Coordinates  複素数

・問題 A complex number z=x+yj is completely determined by its real part and imaginary part . Here, is the imaginary unit. A polar coordinate () is completely determined by modulus and phase angle .If we convert complex number to its polar…

Print Function import math

・問題 Read an integer . Without using any string methods, try to print the following: Note that "" represents the values in between. Input Format The first line contains an integer . Output Format Output the answer as explained in the tas…

Loops for文,rangeについて

・問題 Task Read an integer . For all non-negative integers , print . See the sample for details. Input Format The first and only line contains the integer, . Constraints Output Format Print lines, one corresponding to each . Sample Input …

Python: Division

・問題 Task Read two integers and print two lines. The first line should contain integer division, // . The second line should contain float division, / . You don't need to perform any rounding or formatting operations. Input Format The fi…

Arithmetic Operators input関数

・問題 Task Read two integers from STDIN and print three lines where: The first line contains the sum of the two numbers. The second line contains the difference of the two numbers (first - second). The third line contains the product of t…

Python If-Else if-elif-else

・問題 Given an integer, , perform the following conditional actions: If is odd, print Weird If is even and in the inclusive range of to , print Not Weird If is even and in the inclusive range of to , print Weird If is even and greater tha…

Say "Hello, World!" With Python print関数

・問題 Here is a sample line of code that can be executed in Python: print("Hello, World!") You can just as easily store a string as a variable and then print it to stdout: my_string = "Hello, World!" print(my_string) The above code will p…

Solve Me First 関数の定義

・問題 Complete the function solveMeFirst to compute the sum of two integers. Function prototype: int solveMeFirst(int x, int y); where, x is the first integer input. y is the second integer input Return values sum of the above two integer…

